Passivhaus 101 Program
One hour introduction to the Passivhaus Standard, delivered in your office, at your convenience
Passivhaus 101 Program
The Australian Passivhaus Association’s Passivhaus 101 Program provides a complimentary opportunity for professionals to learn about Passivhaus.
Our one-hour Passivhaus 101 presentation, provides the perfect entry point for your organisation to explore the transformative principles of energy-efficient design, construction, and living.
Key topics
History & Background of Passivhaus
Principles of Passivhaus Standard
Notable PH Projects Around the World
Passivhaus in Australia
Benefits of Passivhaus
Case study: Torrens Passivhaus, ACT
Passivhaus Certification
How to get started with Passivhaus
Who is it suitable for?
The content of this program is suitable for groups of any background. Such as but not limited to built environment services and trades, community groups, educational institutions, government, financial institutions or simply who all passionate about healthier, more comfortable, low-energy, and resilient buildings. Not matter your background, we invite you to submit your request for PH 101 presentation.
Suitable for teams greater than 20. Got a small team- why not buddy up with another organisation and network at the same time?
How does it work?
This program is 100% delivered by volunteers. Thanks to our fantastic members donating their time, the program is run at no cost. To arrange a session please complete the form below and our National Coordinator will connect you to a local volunteer to coordinate the session.
PH101 National Coordinator
Timo Bleeker
PH101 Speakers
Torquil Canning
Jessica Allen
Simone Schenkel
More speakers to be announced
Francesco Adami
Michael Loubser
Previous Participants
Sign up for the next Passivhaus Designer course
In just eight days, you will be designing buildings that perform as intended. Our Certified Designer Course is accessible on-demand, through live-online sessions, and in-house training options. Don't miss this opportunity.