Resources - A comprehensive list of Passivhaus
Online Publications and Books
PROJECT IMAGE- Monash University, Peninsula Campus
Online Publications
PassREg Brochure: Defining the Nearly Zero Energy Building
An output of the PassREg project was the creation of an accesible informational brochure that informs of the successes of the PassREg regions and most importantly, provides strong examples of how municipalities can implement NZEBs through the use of Passive House and renewables.
PHI Building Certification Guide
Ever wondered about the nuts and bolts of getting a building Passive House certified? The Passive House Institute have an excellent guide available to download here.
Passive House Buildings: From Small to Extra Large
Online US publication ‘Passive House Buildings’ contains some great examples of low and high rise buildings in their free e-book: ‘From Small to Extra Large – Passive House Rising to New Heights”. To find out more click here.
Technical Guidance – Why choose Passivhaus?
This publication aims to address some of the questions and misconceptions that have been raised around Passivhaus, and to encourage developers and others to consider Passivhaus..
Technical Guidance – Passivhaus: an Introduction
This introductory guide provides an overview of the Passivhaus standard, how it can be achieved, how to get started and looks at 12 certified Passivhaus projects across the UK
Technical Guidance – How to Build a Passivhaus: Rules of Thumb
The Passivhaus Trust has recently published the third in a series of guidance publications entitled, ‘How to Build a Passivhaus: Rules of Thumb’, following on from ‘Passivhaus: an Introduction’ and ‘Why Choose Passivhaus?
A Developer’s Guide to Certified Multifamily Passive House Buildings
An introductory handbook on Passive House and the resources that will help developers make a successful project.
Net Zero Energy Buildings: Passive House + Renewables
Net Zero Energy Buildings: Passive House + Renewables demonstrates that the Passive House pathway is the best way to reach Net Zero.
New York Passive House 2015: The NYPH Flip Book
New York Passive House 2015 is the ultimate reference manual for the latest and greatest in Passive House examples right here at home in the Greater New York Region.
Passivhaus Primer: Contractor’s Guide
The contractor’s guide is aimed as a practical introduction and is therefore the right place to start. It addresses the issues that building contractors face when tasked with a Passivhaus project and gives simple advice and tips on how to deliver a successful outcome.
Passivhaus Primer: Airtightness Guide
This primer is an aid to understanding the key principles involved in achieving the airtightness performance required to meet the Passivhaus standard.
Passivhaus Primer: Introduction
An aid to understanding the key principles of the Passivhaus standard.
Passivhaus Primer: Designer’s Guide
A guide for the design team and local authorities – The core focus of the Passivhaus standard is to dramatically reduce the requirement for space heating and cooling, whilst also creating excellent indoor comfort levels.
Active for more comfort: Passive House
How does a Passive House work? Which requirements exist with regard to components, planning, design, and project implementation? In order to competently answer such questions, the IPHA has created an informational brochure entitled, Active for more comfort: The Passive House.
The House of the Future - Children's Passive House Book
The Hellenic Passive House Institute (HPHI) has created a Passive House comic book in an English version for print. The book called “House of the Future” features nZebo who protects the environment and our wallet.
Thermal bypass risks: a technical review
The need to reduce carbon emissions in order to reduce the impact of climate breakdown is well understood (IPCC, 2018).
The Pro Clima Australia Study
The study lays out innovative and practical solutions that allow us to achieve healthy, durable, and energy-efficient buildings in Australia.
Details for Passive Houses: A Catalogue of Ecologically Rated Constructions
by Walter Pokorny, Thomas Zelger and Karl Torghele
The Passivhaus Handbook: A Practical Guide to Constructing and Retrofitting Buildings for Ultra-Low-Energy Performance
by Jane Cotterell and Adam Dadeby
Residential Retrofit: 20 Case Studies
by Marion Baeli
American Passive House Developments: Multifamily, Multi-Use and Retrofit Buildings
by Mary James
eBook: Comfy Clothes / Air Tightness / Keeping the Castle Safe / No Spoons in the Wall
A series of eBooks, presenting the complexities of Passive House design and construction in a simple way – for students of all ages.
An Introduction to Passive House
by Justin Bere
Passive House Design: Planning and Design of Energy-Efficient Building Buildings (Detail Green Books)
by Roberto Gonzalo and Rainer Vallentin
The Passive Solar Energy Book: A Complete Guide to Passive Solar Home, Greenhouse and Building Design
by Edward Mazria
The Greenest Home: Superinsulated and Passive House Design
by Julie Torres Moskovitz
Passive Houses: Energy Efficient Homes
by Chris van Uffelen
Passivhaus: An Introduction
This introductory guide provides an overview of the Passivhaus standard, how it can be achieved, how to get started and looks at 12 certified Passivhaus projects across the UK.
by Passivhaus Trust (UK)
PHPP Illustrated: A Designer’s Companion to the Passive House Planning Package
by Sarah Lewis
Recreating the American Home: The Passive House Approach
by Mary James
Building a Passive Solar House: My Experience Shared…
by Tracey Allen
The Passivhaus Designer’s Manual: A technical guide to low and zero energy buildings
by Christina J. Hopfe and Robert S. McLeod