Tradesperson Practical Training Day

This workshop is an excellent opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills in Passivhaus construction.

Course Overview

Join us for a one-day practical Passivhaus workshop designed to provide hands-on experience with leading equipment and material suppliers, including Pro Clima, Siegware, Performance Membrane, and Fantech. This intensive training session covers essential installation protocols, tips, and tricks for key Passivhaus components such as windows, ventilation, and MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) systems.

Course Benefits

This in-person training day is an invaluable opportunity for anyone preparing to work on their first Certified Passivhaus Project.

Here’s what you’ll gain:

  • Hands-On Learning: Engage directly with Passivhaus Trades professionals from across Australia, giving you practical experience with critical tasks like blower door testing and wrapping an external pod.

  • Enhanced Skills: Build on your existing Passivhaus knowledge, helping you implement the Passivhaus standard in client projects and achieve Passivhaus Certification with confidence.

Course Curriculum

    • Super Insulated Envelopes: Learn how to achieve maximum thermal efficiency.

    • Airtight Construction: Understand the techniques to create airtight buildings that minimize energy loss.

    • High-Performance Glazing: Explore the benefits and installation of high-performance windows.

    • Thermal Bridge-Free Detailing: Discover methods to eliminate thermal bridges, a key factor in maintaining energy efficiency.

    • Membrane to Membrane Connections: Master the connections between different membranes for optimal airtightness.

    • Plumbing & Electrical Penetrations: Learn how to handle penetrations without compromising airtightness.

    • Beam Penetrations: Address challenges related to beams passing through insulation layers.

    • Sealing Compounds & Hole Rectification: Use the right compounds and techniques to rectify installation errors.

    • Window Cutout and Sill Window Installation: Gain expertise in cutting and installing windows with precision.

    • Expert Presentation: Receive insights from an MVHR professional on the importance and implementation of efficient ventilation systems.

    • Limitations and Advantages: Discuss the benefits and limitations of blower door testing.

    • Leak Identification and Remediation: Learn to identify and fix leaks to improve building performance.

Course Dates, Pricing and Registration

The Practical Training Day is delivered in-person from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM at selected locations. Lunch is included.

Practical Training Day Pricing

APA Members save over 15% on this course. Apply today.

2024 Dates and Registration Links


  • Early Bird Price: $400

  • Full Price: $450


  • Early Bird Price: $490

  • Full Price: $560

Adelaide - September 5, 2025

  • Registration opens: April 2024

  • Early bird price ends: August 22, 2025

Melbourne - November 21, 2025

  • Registration opens: June 2024

  • Early bird price ends: November 7, 2025

Sydney - November 28, 2025

  • Registration opens: June 2024

  • Early bird price ends: November 14, 2025

2025 Dates and Registration Links

Sydney - May 16, 2025

  • Registration opens: December 2024

  • Early bird price ends: May 2, 2025

Melbourne - May 23, 2025

  • Registration opens: December 2024

  • Early bird price ends: May 9, 2025

Brisbane - June 6, 2025

  • Registration opens: January 2024

  • Early bird price ends: May 23, 2025

Tasmania - August 8, 2025

  • Registration opens: March 2024

  • Early bird price ends: July 25, 2025

In-House Certification Training and Group Pricing Options

Many of our clients talk about the significant benefits of knowledge transfer with group training, as participants have a cohort to cross-reference lessons learnt and content by following the training during their practical application at work. Our pricing is structured so that the more you have on board, the more you’ll save.  

Get in touch today to see our group price offering.

Course FAQs

  • Yes, a company may be able to register their staff to attend this program. Discounts are available you have a company membership, for any staff listed in the membership's sub-profile, including discounts on courses and events. Once the staff member's sub-profile is activated, they can register for the course or event through their profile.

  • The course is ideal for builders who have just finished the Tradesperson course or trades people who are working under the supervision of a Certified Tradesperson, on a Certified Passivhaus project. This course will also support Certified Designers looking to improve their working relationship with trades. 

  • During the program attendees will build a section of a Passivhaus to learn the relevant practical techniques, all materials are provided.

  • This course is designed to support those who have completed the Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson or Designer Course. It is also suitable for a tradesperson working on Certified Passivhaus projects under the supervision of a Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson.

  • Yes, the course is specifically designed to provide practical, hands-on experience on such as, blower door testing, wrapping an external pod, and window installation, providing participants with real-world experience. 

  • This training day enhances your understanding and practical skills to help implement the Passivhaus standard on projects working to achieve a Passivhaus Certification.  

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