AGM Board Election 2019

We are delighted to introduce our two newly appointed Board Members, John Beurle and Joe Merceica!

John is an enthusiastic advocate for Passive House, and is the owner/builder of a certified low energy Passive House building in central Victoria. After deciding on a career change, John took the Passive House Consulting/Designers course and created his own small business. As Principal Consultant of Passive House Services, he works with clients on their own Passive House dream.

Joe brings over 30 years experience in commercial and residential construction, his expertise and passion in the building industry being instrumental to the growth of Blue Eco Homes (previously Joe Mercieca Constructions). He is leading the way in sustainable construction, which has naturally led to his interest in Passive House. Joe is a Certified Passive House Tradesperson as well as a HIA GreenSmart Professional and Master Builders Green Living builder. Joe and his wife Merylese Mercieca built the first certified passive house to flame zone regulations in the Blue Mountains.

All Board members who re-stood for election were also appointed, being:

  • Chris Nunn

  • Joel Seagren

  • Kylie Mills

  • Andy Marlow

Marcus Strang, Jon Dalton, and Daniel Kress did not stand for re-election. Our Chairperson, Chris Nunn, thanked them for their service to the Australian Passive House Association.

AGM minutes will be available for members to access on the APHA website in due course.


Member Feature: Joe Merceica


The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council Update