GBCA A Practical Guide to Electrification of New Buildings

Fossil fuel free, highly efficient buildings powered by renewables are the preferred pathway to decarbonise our built environment. There is a simple pathway that enables this outcome: electrification. The technologies already exist - the key challenges are changing perceptions and improving understanding of the benefits of electrification and how to implement it. Developed with funding from the CEFC and NSW Government, the practical guides to electrification are intended to overcome barriers by educating industry practitioners in the process of delivering all-electric buildings, helping dispel misinformation and highlighting solutions for common difficulties.

The guide also features a case study on Monash University's Gillies Hall, the largest certified Passive House in the southern hemisphere.

A practical guide to electrification: for new buildings

The guide outlines the steps involved in delivering an all-electric new building and the types of technologies that can be used today to eliminate fossil fuels for space heating, hot water, and cooking. If you are a building owner, developer, facilities manager, consultant or building professional, this guide is for you.

Download the guide here.

A second guide will be published in June focusing on existing buildings.

* Information above originally published by GBCA


Passive House Children's Book


Why Should I Certify My Passive House?