Joe Kartens Inspiring Speech at THRIVE 2024

Joe Karten, APA Chair and Head of Sustainability and Social Impact at Built, delivered an inspiring speech during the THRIVE Passivhaus 2024 Conference.

In his speech he spoke about the massive growth that APA has experienced in the past year and how this couldn't have been done without the support of our amazing community. Here is an excerpt:

"From our humble beginnings as a volunteer based organisation in 2013, eleven years ago with a few part time staff, we appointed our first full time CEO, Alexia Lidas in July 2022. Under her leadership, the organisation and association has undergone a profound transformation, expanding our reach and influence.

Our strategic plan was launched last year and the results of this work are coming into fruition. One of the most important but possibly less sexy areas is our finances and operations, but this is the backbone of any organisation.
Financial sustainability is crucial for an organisation to deliver its services.

In the last year alone we've had our biggest financial year of growth in revenue; growing by 40%.

We now have the equivalent of over 6 1/2 full time employees and specialist skills to support the organisation's needs.

  • APA staff has grown by 43% in the last two years.

  • 70,000 people visit our website annually.

  • 50,000 of which are unique visitors, and this grows by about 15% each year.

Thank you to everyone who has supported our growth and volunteered for APA. Those who invested the time and energy into training and educating professionals, and those who've taken a risk in your organisation to do something new." 

Become an APA member today and experience the benefits of a thriving organisation and incredible community. 🤝


Passivhaus Pecha Kucha Calling for Presenters


THRIVE Passivhaus 2024 - A Massive Success!