ArchiTeam Awards 2021 Open for Entries

ArchiTeam Awards 2021

The 2021 ArchiTeam Awards are open for entries. The deadline for entries is Monday 4 October.

All ArchiTeam members are able to enter their first entry for free and you can enter any projects that were completed up to 3 years ago. You can also re-enter projects from previous years. Click here to enter now!

Last year a Sustainability Checklist was implemented. Don't forget to complete one for each entry. Read more here.

Find out more about the history of the ArchiTeam Awards here.

This year the categories have been updated to the following. More information on these categories to be released shortly.

• Resi New: up to $1m
• Resi New: $1m+
• Resi Alts + Adds: up to $500k
• Resi Alts + Adds: $500k - $1m
• Resi Alts + Adds: over $1m+
• Commercial, Community and Public Award
• Unbuilt Award
• Innovation and Contribution
• Passive House Scholarship

Passive House Scholarship

We're proud to offer The Passive House Scholarship in conjunction with ArchiTeam for members wanting the opportunity to improve their skills in sustainable design. This will be awarded to the ArchiTeam member who designs the 2021 ArchiTeam Passive House Scholarship trophy. The trophy can be anything you think it should be - images or video of drawings, models, 3D printed objects, photos, haiku or another creative medium. Read more here.


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