Passivhaus & the Sustainable Development Goals

Have you wondered how the international Passivhaus standard connects with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)? Envisioned as a ‘‘blueprint to achieve a better and a more sustainable future for all’’, the UN set 17 SDGs to be reached by 2030. As policy-makers seek net-zero solutions, it is imperative to highlight how Passivhaus can lead to better health, social, economic, and environmental outcomes.

The SDGs were established in 2015 and encompass a wide array of fields and topics. As a widely recognised tool, they offer an ideal backdrop to illustrate how an efficiency-first approach such as Passivhaus fits into global aims.

Click here to download a PDF version. Source: “Passive House and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, iPHA 2021. Article available on

Further Information


30 years: The world's first Passive House


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