CONSULTATION - Housing construction productivity

What is this consultation exploring?

The Productivity Commission is seeking brief comments from people working in or with the housing construction sector. This work aims to investigate issues that might be weighing on productivity growth in the housing construction sector, such as: 

  • barriers to the adoption of innovation and scaling up 

  • government regulation at the local, state and federal level 

  • characteristics of the construction workforce. 

Why should you respond?

The Australian Passivhaus Association has concerns about an emerging rhetoric which questions the validity of frequent NCC updates and positions them as an unnecessary imposition on builders. It is crucial that our industry demonstrates that;

  • NCC updates are crucial for the health and welfare of all Australians, in addition to our future climate risk.

  • Can be affordable to implement, and would be easier if a National commitment to implementation took place.

  • That a culture of continual improvement must be fostered evenly across all professions in the built environment, to ensure that we stop falling behind global pace of construction practices.

We are encouraging our members to respond.

How can you respond?

The commission is interested in your views on change and innovation in residential construction, including:

  1. Is there a piece of kit, building technology, or a change in process, that has impacted the way you work?

  2. Have you been waiting for a DA? What’s it costing you and how is it impacting your business?

  3. How have the quality and design of the homes you’re building changed over the years?

  4. How have changing rules and regulations affected your ability to build homes?

  5. What would make it easier for you to build more homes?

Responses are limited to 500 words and a short turn around is required to submit. The Australian Passivhaus Association has drafted responses you can use and edit to submit to this consultation. Replies are due by next Thursday 5th December, 2024.

What to write

The Australian Passivhaus Association has drafted responses you can use and edit to submit to this consultation. Please note this is written to be just under the 500 word limit.

Question one: The Passivhaus Standard provides our organisation with a tested system to deliver net-zero-ready new and retrofit homes that are optimised for a decarbonised grid and augmented for occupant health and wellbeing. Passivhaus homes provide a high level of occupant comfort using very little energy for heating and cooling. Passivhaus adopts a whole-building approach with clear, measured targets, focused on high-quality construction, certified through an exacting quality assurance process.  

Question two: Planning can be slower with Passivhaus projects due to knowledge barriers. We welcome a deem to satisfy pathway for the Passivhaus Standard in the NCC which would prevent duplicated requirements for energy modelling, unnecessary delays and costs. We support the Australian Passivhaus Association’s deem to satisfy proposal for the 2028 update.  

Question three: Through the Passivhaus Standard, we have been able to create homes that will stand the test of time against future climate risks whilst providing superior levels of comfort, health, energy performance, and structural integrity. Passivhaus homes provide a systemic pathway for mass decarbonisation.  

Question four: Change is never easy, but it could be easier. All individuals designing and constructing Australia’s housing stock should be held to a high regard, in a culture of mandated continual professional development. The growth and evolution of any market should be expected and viewed as an advancement for the betterment of industry and consumers alike, rather than a hinderance. The NCC is an instrument to address critical areas such as fire safety, structural integrity, health, amenity, accessibility, and sustainability.  There is a strong need to continue to consider emerging challenges and great opportunities to improve our existing code with a longer-term view on what should be addressed within minimum standards.  We have concerns about our current code increasing air-tightness with an inadequate approach to ventilation, creating unintended consequences around condensation and mould. We believe the code requires amendments to address our mass decarbonisation requirements, respond to rapidly worsening weather events and cost of living crisis.  

Question five: Growing uncertainty about the commitment of jurisdictions to regular review and updating of the NCC is harmful to industry and the ongoing supply of new homes. Since the early 1990s, the adoption of a single building code by state and territory governments has been a national project grounded in productivity and efficiency to save businesses money from unnecessary and confusing duplication and undue regulation, focusing on reforms that have a net benefit to society. Now is the time to renew commitment from all jurisdictions to a clear trajectory of improvements to the NCC that will allow industry to understand targets and timelines and to plan for step changes.  Failure to adapt standards and approaches in line with cost-saving technology and productivity advancements risks worsening affordability and missed opportunities to innovate and improve building practices. Governments’ ambitious commitment to deliver 1.2 million homes over the next decade demands a focus on innovative ways to deliver homes for our growing population, including higher performing, Passivhaus, prefabricated and modular construction. 

Dont wait, responses are due within one week- December 5.

Please contact our team to let them know if you submit a response. We would like to track the responses from our members.


Passivhaus Is a Performance Guarantee - Cairn Passive Developments 


white paper - passivhaus a pillar of mass DECARBONISATION and superior comfort in build to rent