PassivHaus integrated into Green Star Buildings and Homes Standard

Did you know that PassivHaus is now integrated into Green Star Buildings and the Green Star Homes Standard?

Green Star Buildings - In Green Star Buildings, Passivhaus directly contributes to the Energy Use credit. Please refer to Page 157 of the Green Star Building v1 submission guidelines for further information.

Green Start Homes - Within the Green Star Homes Standard, PassivHaus is recognised within the Airtightness credit (pg 37), Renewables Energy (pg 53) and can directly contribute to credits such as Thermal Comfort, Air Quality and Moisture Management.

Please watch this space as our organisations work together to release more information on this shortly.


2024 Passivhaus Pecha Kucha Night: Fast-Paced, Inspiring Stories in High-Performance Building.


NZ Passive House Conference on 13 - 15 September