NZ Passive House Conference on 13 - 15 September

Save the date for the Passive House Conference 13 - 15 September 2024 at the School of Architecture and Design, Wellington. EarlyBird tickets close 8 August 2024.

The conference includes:

Pre-conference day and workshops – Friday, 13th September
(Choose between Primer or Clinic:)

Primer 10am – 4:30pm
6 hours of training run by Jessica Eyers and the fantastic team at Sustainable Engineering; a full day introduction into the concept and essential principles of Passive House buildings.

Clinic 9am – 12pm
Run by Jason Quinn and the team from Sustainable Engineering, this is all about designing for the heating climate for the more experienced practitioners to deepen their understanding.

Conference days 1 and 2 - Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th
Sessions include climate change, mixed technical, big picture carbon, broad sustainability and energy, international & building code, local & building code, advice and communication and Australia.
Each session includes several presentations; this stellar line up of speakers and topics will be announced shortly.

Read more detailed information and buy tickets via the button below.


PassivHaus integrated into Green Star Buildings and Homes Standard


Share Your Responses for the Home Energy Ratings Disclosure Framework