What is Passivhaus? Its 5 Principles Explained
Passivhaus, also known as Passive House, represents an approach to sustainable building design that prioritises occupant comfort, energy efficiency and environmental responsibility, let’s explore its 5 principles…
NatHERS vs Passivhaus: Understanding the Differences
NatHERS vs Passivhaus: Understanding the Differences
Vale Jeffrey Robinson
Farewell to the man with the question, Vale Jeffrey Robinson.
A fierce advocate and leader for our Passivhaus community and industry alike. Jeff's infectious enthusiasm and inquiring mind brought a light to our industry like no other.
5 Ways the Passivhaus Standard Improves Building Performance
It's no secret that Passivhaus delivers better building performance when compared to minimum code construction.
But how exactly does the standard support performance?
APA Chair Introduces the Inaugural Passivhaus Incubator
Launching in 2024, The Australian Passivhaus Association will run the inaugural Passivhaus Incubator. This fully-funded two-month program is designed to impart the Association’s introductory Passivhaus knowledge on to individuals in client and policy groups.
Growing the Number of Young Professionals and Trades in Passivhaus
Sustainability and climate change have been hot topics for decades, but building standards like Passivhaus are only just gaining traction. Why could this be the case?
According to The Pew Research Center, most people are tired of the doom-and-gloom narrative portrayed by the media which leads to them believing that climate change is overblown. And this view has likely become entrenched in much of the building industry, hampering participation.
To remedy this, it takes a two-pronged approach with industry leaders playing a key role and individuals themselves advocating for change.
In this month’s sustainability spotlight, Bethany Mercieca, a carpenter at Blue Eco Homes and HIA apprentice of the year, shares how we can grow the number of young professionals and trades in Passivhaus.
How a Passivhaus Renovation Transformed this Leaky Cottage into an Energy-efficient Home
While many might've looked at their rundown, weatherboard-clad house — complete with leaky roof — as a knockdown rebuild, Tylah and Dylan had other plans. Using the bones of their 1950s cottage in Melbourne's east and Dylan's skills as a builder, their goal was to turn it into a modern passive home.
Public Consultation: Proposed Amendments to AS 1668.2:2023—The Use of Ventilation and Air-Conditioning in Buildings
Consultation is open for members of the public to comment on the proposed amendments to AS 1668.2:2023 - The use of ventilation and air-conditioning in buildings, Part 2: Mechanical ventilation in buildings. The Australian Passivhaus Association is encouraging commentary on the proposed changes related to the Passivhaus Standard. Consultation Closes on February 6, 2024.
Access Your 2024 Member Logo Guidelines
Learn how to access your new 2024 Member Logos and other valuable resources in our member resources website.
Introducing ‘Scaling Impact’ - Our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan
The Australian Passivhaus Association (APA) is proud to announce the official launch of its comprehensive 3-year Strategic Plan, titled 'Scaling Impact.' This transformative initiative sets an ambitious course for the organisation's growth and influence, building upon a decade of dedicated efforts by volunteers and staff to strengthen and broaden APA's mission.
Applications for APA Board Open 2024
Applications are being sought for one Board Member to complete a two year tenure.
To increase our geographical diversity we are receiving applications from QLD (Brisbane), ACT, TAS, SA, WA, NT.
Applicants that have an understanding of the key differences of running a not for profit association vs a private entity, membership organisation small to large organisation dynamics, and strategic leadership are encouraged to apply.
Introducing the Passivhaus Playbook - A Pragmatic Guide for Passivhaus Success
Demand is rapidly growing for buildings that achieve climate goals, increase climate resilience, and support the health and quality of life of those living in our cities. To help that transformation, we’re launching the Passivhaus Playbook.
Unlocking the Value: A Practical Guide for Sustainable Finance in the Australian Real Estate Sector
The Green Building Council of Australia and the Australian Sustainable Finance Institute have today released a practical guide to drive greater understanding of sustainable finance for the real estate and finance industries.
The first-of-its-kind guide looks in detail at the mechanisms available, with the aim of facilitating more efficient adoption of them in the Australian market and unlocking the enormous environmental and investment opportunities available.