Meet the 2024 Inaugural Cohort
“The Passivhaus Incubator is about fostering a mindset shift, catalysing conversations, igniting passion, and driving tangible progress towards a more sustainable future. Together, let us seize this opportunity to redefine the future of the built environment and leave a legacy for generations to come.”
Alexia Lidas,
Where are our participants located?
Shobha Sharma
Principal Project Manager, Major Projects Canberra, ACT
Jason Hart
Development Manager, Suburban Land Agency - ACT Government, ACT
Tristan Stanley-Cary
Lecturer | Architect | Energy Assessor, North Metro TAFE, WA
Paula Mackintosh
Lecturer, North Metro TAFE, WA
Neil Roebuck
Design & Drafting Manager, Highbury Homes, WA
Melinda Marshall
Operations Manager, Co-operation Housing, WA
Andrew Maddams
Founder, Azur Developments, WA
Warren Phillips
Manager Housing Delivery, DevelopmentWA, WA
Duong Tran
Senior Project Manager, Homes Victoria, VIC
David Desmond
Senior Advisor
Planning and Reform Branch
Department of Transport and Planning, VIC -
Killian Slattery
Development Officer, Common Equity Housing, VIC
Michael Ludlow
Development Officer, CEHL, VIC
Kumar Singh
Senior Design Manager (Senior Architect), Modscape, VIC
Sonya Slocombe
Director of Business Operations, Emmaus College, VIC
Kim Nguyen
Project Officer, Homes Victoria, VIC
Eloise Leopold
Urban Designer, City of Melbourne, VIC
Efe Ozyaba
Property Development Associate, City of Port Phillip, VIC
Erin Connolly
Senior Project Manager, Haven Home Safe, VIC
Ted Chen
Senior Development Manager, Glenvill, VIC
Emily Hardwick
Head - Marketing and Events, prefabAUS, VIC
Nadine Samaha
ESD lecturer, RMIT, VIC
Robert McEniery
Development Manager, Quintessential , VIC
Maria Panagiotidou
Zero Carbon Buildings Team, Melbourne City Council, VIC
Simon Disler
Sustainable Development, City of Greater Bendigo, VIC
Soujanya Ganapathi
Project Development Officer, DJAARA, VIC
Robert Stopajnik
Development Director, Development Victoria, VIC
Edward Dick
Senior Development Manager, Development Victoria, VIC
Kane Goldsworthy
Project Manager, Development Victoria, VIC
Angela Spiliopoulos
Project Coordinator, Urban Renewal Authority trading as Renewal SA, SA
Jacqueline de Meyrick
Senior Development Manager, Renewal SA, SA
Cameron Wilson
Research Associate, University of South Australia, SA
Craig McRostie
General Manager, Kite Projects, SA
Geraldine Petit
Design Manager, Renewal SA, SA
Phil Hespe
Senior Project Officer, SA Housing Authority, SA
Grace McGradey
Senior Project Manager, SA Housing Authority, SA
Lynda Curtis
Senior Project Officer, Department for Energy and Mining, SA
Amanda Rice
Director - Transformation and Change, Renewal SA, SA
Sabina Douglas-Hill
Senior Policy Implementation Officer, Department for Energy and Mining, SA
Jonathan Combley
Group General Manager - Development, Scape, NSW
Kevin Yee
Senior Policy Officer - BASIX, NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, NSW
John Martin
Sustainability Project Officer, Charles Sturt University, NSW
Carla Bisanti
National Design Manager, Scape, NSW
Elizabeth Goodall
Development Manager, City West Housing, NSW
Phillip Hartley
Economic Development Manager, Kirinari Community ServiceS, NSW
Joshua Chaplin
New Business Director, Modscape Commerical Pty Ltd, NSW
Kaylee Hussain
Sustainability Coordinator, Frasers Property Australia, NSW
Ian Whipple
Manager Major Projects and Building Assets, Dubbo Regional Council, NSW
Nicholas Loder
Asset Technical Advisor, Homes NSW - Portfolio Management (Assets), NSW
Nathan Skelly
Director Infrastructure & Environmental Services, Liverpool Plains Shire Council, NSW
Alison Wong
Senior Counsel, Housing Australia, NSW
Emily Chung
Program Lead, Green Building Council of Australia, NSW
Nikki Kruger
General Manager, Passive House New Zealand, NZ
Isaac Hunter
Business Development Officer, Regional Housing Limited, QLD
Nathan Van de Belt
Senior Asset Manager, Bric Housing, QLD
Lisa Moore
Senior Architect, Sunshine Coast Council, QLD
Elle Armstrong
Development Manager, Development Victoria, VIC
Chris Lawson
Senior Advisor, Asset Planning, Standards and Sustainability, Department for Education SA, SA
Rebecca Burgon
Policy and Project Adviser, Asset Planning, Standards and Sustainability, Department for Education SA, SA
Jake Duvall
Coordinator, Sustainability and Climate Change, Department for Education SA, SA
Shona Baldock
Project Officer, Sustainability and Climate Change, Department for Education SA, SA
Jamie Duggan
Project Manager, Frasers PropertyAustralia, NSW