Description: In Progress – Passive House Classic
Building Type: Detached single family home
Location: Leura NSW 2780
Number of Apartments/Units: 1
Treated Floor Area According to PHPP: 142.4m 2
Construction Type: Timber Construction – Blue Eco Homes Prefab Panel System
Year of Construction: Under Construction


This modest sized 3-bedroom home by Australian standards, in the relatively cool climate of Leura in the Blue Mountains NSW. The client chose an existing Blue Eco Homes concept design that they wanted built to the Passive House standard. 


The site sits on an east west axis with good northern exposure, however a close neighbouring house on the north presented a less than desirable view.

Fortunately, the home design chosen suited the site quite well by simply mirroring it. To minimise the view of the northern neighbouring house however, northern windows had to be high & minimised. Due to the cold climate, it took a delicate balance to achieve the Passive House requirements without significant additional cost to the building envelope. This has been achieved and the house is now under construction.

Project Members

Architecture: Mark Davis Design
Energy Consultant: Mark Davis Design
Building Services: Blue Eco Homes
Building Physics: Blue Eco Homes
Certifier: Marcus Strang, Hip V. Hype
Builder: Blue Eco Homes

Thermal Envelope

Mechanical Systems

  • Ventilation: 03ud-Zehnder ComfoAir350

  • Domestic Hot Water: Sanden Heat Pump

PHPP Values

  • Climate: 4: Warm - Temperate

  • Air Tightness: tbc

  • Annual Heating Demand: 15 kWh/(m2a)

  • Cooling Load: 13W/m2

  • Cooling and Dehumidification Demand: 6.8 W/m2

  • PE Demand (Non-Renewable Primary Energy): 107kWh/(m2a)

  • PER Demand (Renewable Primary Energy): 50 kWh/(m2a)


Castle of the Keep Passive House


Scamander Passive House